Once the Haunted Carriage is born, it will be D2R Items following a pre-determined route towards its ultimate destination. In addition, you can just meet the Haunted Carriage in journey to its final destination (or simply stand in line at the end of the road), but you're really much better to track the carriage while it travels instead of just participating in a tiny portion of the celebration. To help you, here's a map of the route taken by the carriage through the entire area (map courtesy of Wowhead):Once you've found the carriage, it's time to be a part of the event it self.

As the Haunted Carriage follows its route It is sometimes threatened by guards. Guards' locations are shown by skulls that appear on that map. There may be a small deviation on the exact location the guards spawn, however, they are usually found within that particular area.

Guards aren't particularly tough (especially when you're in this event along with other players, but they're an excellent source for gold and drops. It's for this reason that it's suggested that you follow the train all the way around to take part in as many of those guard fights as you can.

At the end of the carriage's journey when the carriage is finished, the tax Collector leader of the universe will appear and attack players who are in the carriage's escorting.The art direction used in Diablo 4, which leans heavily on the influence of the medieval and Old Masters paintings, applies to character creation too. Although there are many various options for hairstyles that are green and colorful body paint, custom character designs in Diablo 4 look grounded and realistic -- not like they've spawned from something from Monster Factory Best place to buy D2R items, or out of the Saints Row cutscene.