They're definitely the most effective method to earn Pirate Coins Lost Ark Gold, but once you've done them all (which could take several hours) You're likely to have to rely on Marine events for your Pirate Coin requirements.

Marine events are frequently scheduled in-game events that require you to accomplish various tasks (the most lucrative of which involve Ghost Ships). In the event of completing them, (and other activities in the game) often rewards players with unique Voyage Coins that can be exchanged for Pirate Coins at the following exchange rates. In short generally, you'll be able to earn some extra Pirate Coins by completing certain maritime activities. If, however, you're interested in making as many coins as possible in as quick as you can, you'll need to know how to make the most of your time.

Lost Ark: Pirate Coin Farming Spots and Tips

Although it's not considered in the sense of "farming" in the traditional MMO sense of the word You should definitely try to complete as many Island Quests as possible to maximize your Pirate Coin earnings potential. Islands Quests stand out in terms of being the fastest and easiest way to earn as many Pirate Coins as possible.On that matter, it is important to watch out for the beginning on the first day of Procyon's Compass event, which awards players with extra Pirate Coins for completing special tasks connected to Field Bosses Ghost Ships, Chaos Gate Lost Ark Gold buy activities, or Island Quests. It's well worth making a way to join in the occasion whenever it's offered to you.