This patch appeared to be routine fare, solving issues such as players' profiles not being able of sharing names with online avatars they created and users not being notified when the game is linked to their Xbox Live accounts diablo II resurrected items. One change was gamers were no longer restricted from creating games within their region after joined a game from a different region.

The Blizzard Twitter account for customer support has released numerous updates to let players know that the company is aware of the issues they're experiencing and of the team's efforts at implementing changes.

The account has tweeted repeatedly the message "Today's account login as well as game problems with creation have been solved," but these maintenance efforts only seem to temporarily deal with the issue.

Users have taken to Twitter and Reddit to vent about the difficulties they've faced when trying playing Diablo II: Resurrected. There are some Diablo players who have posted memes about the game's login issues, others have claimed that the issues have led them to "i want a refund zone."

While Blizzard's twitter account for support has repeatedly thanked players for their patience, some players have gotten fed up with the constant issues, and have created with the hashtag #RefundD2R.

"Damn individuals, your login issues happen every day," one person tweeted using the hashtag one player who was furious commented cheap D2R ladder items, "same day, same time the same channel. This is insane. Five days in this mess."