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Nked to The Nighttime Fae Covenant and seems for people that have a link to nature. The Night Fae retrieve Anima from mortal souls and look to infuse slumbering spirits and gain.

Revendreth is host to the Venthyr Covenant and hunt for all those souls who lived a life of sin. They sit in judgement to determine if they are worthy of redemption in the Shadowlands.Maldraxxus is ruled by the Necrolords Covenant and seek out battle-hardened spirits and people who have been strong in life. Weaker souls which don't quite make the cut become fuel for Maldraxxus' own weapons.

When you get to level 60 in Shadowlands, then you'll want to choose which Covenant you need to join and support. Each Covenant will offer the player unique skills, upgradeable mounts, along with other endgame features and activities.In addition to this, every Covenant will provide a number of Soulbinds to choose from which will allow you to enhance your skills.

Every once in a while, whenever there's a slight or major upgrade coming into World of Warcraft (WoW), Blizzard will allow players to check it out ahead of its release in a Public Test Realm (PTR). In this guide, we'll talk you through how to get a WoW Public Test Realm accounts, so that you may test it out for yourself.

To get a PTR account, you have to have a standard game accounts for World of Warcraft. Your accounts must also be active. In other words, it must have some game-time on it either via a prepaid card or cheap wow classic gold monthly subscription fee. You may check your account type and status .