D2R Items released back in 2013 The PS4 has since become one of Sony's most popular consoles, but it's also become one of the most successful video game platforms ever. Despite this Sony is now looking to sell the PS5 as its main equipment, which means the PS4 will soon come to its end. With the new instructions from Sony We have expectations of when PS4 might actually go away.

In Sony's most recent financial statement, it clarified that games for PS4 will be gone by 2025. This doesn't mean that legacy PS4 games will no longer be available for purchase, but Sony intends to have finished releasing new games on the platform by the time it's.

However, by 2025, Sony has estimated that the majority of its revenue for games will come directly from PlayStation 5, with titles on PC as well as mobile bringing up the other half of its income.

In general, this probably shouldn't be too surprising given that the PS5 will be Sony's main future focus for years to in the years to come. Still, it's worth stressing that even at this moment that the PS4 is a console that Sony is still manufacturing and releasing games for. In fact, the biggest PlayStation game God of diablo II resurrected items is set to arrive on PS4 when it is released.