So even with the best intention of giving us a choice over the way we play, it didn't become a choice--for most players, at least as soon as someone came up with the meta WOTLK Classic Gold. It's difficult to switch between the two methods to ensure optimal performance for different games, or even if there's a balance change to your game, or if it isn't considerate of the player's time.

Thankfully, the majority of difficult power systems have now been corrected in the latest patches, but this change came far too late. They're still available in the game , however you are now able to switch between Covenants and Conduits with no any penalty. Also, you can refund the currency from unwanted legendaries, or Domination Shards are no longer useful in 9.2.

In reality, most of the issues in WoW WoTLK Classic could've been avoided prior to the expansion launch, as players began questioning the restrictions around choosing Covenants during the Beta as well as PTR.

There was nothing that said WoW WoTLK Classic was good, however. Its Great Vault is an inspired evolution of the weekly chests in Battle for Azeroth, offering up to 9 options of gear once you've completed the weekly tasks. And the raids have been fun too with intriguing bosses and mechanics, even if they've been tightly tuned.

The permanent return of the Mage Tower (opens on a new tab) was another high point, and that was just the beginning. Eternity's End update has finally resulted in the return of Tier sets, which is something we've been wanting for a long time cheap WOTLK Classic Gold. While the current trading rules made it harder to collect all four pieces initially but it's certainly an improvement in the direction.