The successful stories we see are usually just rare exceptions. The stars had to align to allow Among Us to OSRS gold find its fan base even after it was released and, perhaps the biggest previous example - and without having the support of a big publisher was Undertale that was released in 2017.

This is the reason why RuneScape The First 20 Years isn't just essential to all fans of this game. It's also essential also for anyone who cares about how the gaming historical record is headed. It's a reminder that all of us should be supporting the indie game scene that's constantly fighting to be noticed in a vast marketplace.

Most importantly is it a reminder that we should be proud of what we have achieved since our beginning. The gaming industry could seem as a completely disgusting and sexy place in certain instances (because it can be), but in the midst are many passionate gamers with an experience they'd like to be able to share with us.

We all are blessed with wonderful childhood memories playing at Gielinor Not because some big company sold us a product however, but because three brothers were driven, with parents who believed in their children. It's the kind of osrs fire cape service people like them that we should be grateful to for these memories, not higher-ups over at Amazon as well as Activision Blizzard.