Metal roofing is available in a wide range of styles, materials, and colors to choose from.

This guide focuses on the selection of colors. —This is the item that every homeowner can easily relate to on some level.

Standing seam and corrugated panels are examples of styles that relate to the shape of the metal when it is installed on a roof. Actually, color considerations have no bearing on the style, though some styles will feature slightly different colors and paint finishes than others.

Materials are related to the type of metal, which is referred to as the "substrate."Steel, aluminum, and copper are the most popular materials for building houses today. For the most part, we stick to steel and aluminum as the most likely materials to be chosen by the majority of our readers.

Color is the focus of our attention. On the way, we'll cover the available options, general information on color, important factors to consider when choosing a color, and some technical information about the manufacturing of paint for metal roofs that is relevant to the consumer (you).


Color selection may appear to be a subjective decision, but our Guide outlines (10) considerations that should not be overlooked when making this decision. The elements of art and science are combined in this process. In order for you to be fully informed about the considerations and related information, we want to make certain that you understand them.

Surprisingly, many people believe that metal roofs are only available Metal roof  in a limited range of colors. It's possible that they believe the color corresponds to the type of metal. Steel, tin, and aluminum are represented by the color silver; copper is represented by the color reddish-brown; lead is represented by the color dark gray. As if those are the only color options available to you.

With aluminum and steel, there are a few more options available than with these few options. Actually, that's a bad idea. The possibilities are endless! The correct response to the question "What are the available color options for a metal roof?" is: "There are a variety of colors available."They're all of them. All colors, hues, and tints are included.

Instead of having to choose from a limited number of options, the homeowner has an almost limitless number of options to choose from. That may appear to be more difficult in some ways. The remainder of this article will assist in making things more straightforward. At least until we get to the technical information, which is a long time away.