I do remember Animal Crossing New Horizons Items the nightly show in 2016 that had a correspondent that I totally hated. All sorts of smug. I recall that there was a section about trying to make black only dorms or apartments and the host pointed out just how racist that has been (they were equally black) and how something like this was blatantly illegal.

She said she believed black people who have bad experiences ought to have a place where they could feel secure. That maybe they had bad encounters with white people and did not need to live together. She said something along the lines of"it doesn't have to be a written rule. We are fine and if they leave we can only talk between ourselves and deny them their program" and I recall the men response"No!

"Surely not" may be a bit too powerful in regards to Twitter. We know it's rife with trolls and robots pretending to be others to stir up controversies. I am not saying they are all trolls but I think that it's entirely possible that there are some bad actors mixed in. Especially since this Twitter kerfuffle is predominantly about black women being upset about white women's appropriation in video games.

I must disagree. I had to shield desegregation against two black girls on Facebook. I dont ever argue on facebook but I felt that cause was worthwhile. Simply saying, there are groups of ethnic people who are 100% in support of segregation to some point they'd publicly post it on their real Facebook. They even defended their team having the Grand Dragon of CA (KKK) as a guest speaker on segregation. Shit was mad, but buy bells for animal crossing new horizons did not feel genuine.