However, molten armor wasn't available in the beginning of the pre patch, WoW Classic SoD Gold but it's available in Northrend which means you only have those two glyphs, however fire isn't one of these glyphs. Arcane is also going increase due to the lack of fights since currently, fights are quite short, and the sunwell will be available by the final phase of Five however, they'll be even more short since everyone is getting a boost to boost raid DPS the fights are being nerfed and so on.

Arcane is a great choice for this short timeframe, as it is particularly effective at the start of the wrath of Lich King against fire. This is why we choose to go arcane right at the beginning of the wrath of Lich King. we think it will be similar here. Fire will obviously scale well given the sunwell gear , like if you're really gearing up from Sunwell and have lots of crit and other items, which can aid in fighting fire, but it's not equipped with those two glyphs and the encounters aren't that long. This is why we're trying to think that we can use our canes more effectively.

However, it's possible that fire will be quite good. I'm not sure it's likely to end up being the most successful however, there's an extremely good chance. Whatever the case, it's going to be a success, and will be fun to play. Therefore, I'd definitely test the game bet and before patch is the best opportunity to test the various specs. That's the way I'd approach the pre patch as well as a chance to test the frost build , it's likely not going to perform as well as the other however it's going be able to do well enough for sunwell , and will be fun.

This is a great opportunity to test a new variety of specs. buy WoW SoD Gold Also, depending on how your guild is doing well. If you have dual-spec it is possible to switch between the two. You could also use arcane in some of the smaller combats.