Standardized classification systems are essential to international trade because they allow for the accurate identification of goods that are being brought into or taken out of a country. This article will discuss the HS (Harmonized System) code classification for aluminum circles and discs. What does it mean when someone refers to the Harmonized System, also known as HS? The World Customs Organization (WCO) is responsible for the development of the international product nomenclature known as the Harmonized System (HS), which can be applied in a variety of contexts. It is universally accepted by over 200 countries and contains over 5000 commodity groups organized in a way that is both legal and logical. Its acceptance is universally acknowledged by over 200 countries. The HS code is an unmistakable identifier that can be assigned to any and all goods that are traded. This enables precise calculations of all applicable duties and statistics to be compiled across the world. It is absolutely necessary for the categorization of tariffs as well as the collection of statistics regarding trade. 


Information That Is Very Important Regarding Aluminum Discs

Before determining the HS code for a product, it is necessary to define the product's essential characteristics, which include the following items on the list: It was primarily made out of aluminum, which was also its primary component.

- A shape comparable to that of a circle or aluminum discs. Surfaces can be flat, curved, or profiled, depending on the application

- There is a range of sizes that can be manufactured both in terms of diameter and thickness

- Participates in a wide range of commercial and industrial applications

- The Hierarchical System of Classification (HS) Organization for MetalsThe HS classification system devotes an entire chapter to the subject of aluminum and the many products that can be crafted from it

- This chapter is numbered 76

- After that, the subheadings are subdivided even further according to the production method and the kind of product that is being discussed

- Aluminum circles that have not been worked on are classified under the HS code

- The number 7601

- 10 refers to unwrought aluminum that has not been alloyed

- It is used for circles or aluminum discs made of aluminum that are simple and unfinished and have not been subjected to any additional post-production processing

- The number can be found on aluminum that has not been alloyed

- This describes aluminum discs in their most basic, primary form, before any additional processing or manufacturing has been done to them in any way whatsoever

HS Code for Circular Aluminum Products That Are Only Partially Completed

If the circles have been subjected to preliminary working or shaping, but they are not yet completely finished parts, the code for these circles is 7606.11, which refers to powder or flakes. If the circles have not been subjected to preliminary working or shaping, the code for these circles is 7606.11.7606.12 - Miscellaneous.



The circles that have already been cut, pressed, extruded, or surface treated but still require additional fabrication are included in this category. The HS code for circles made of aluminum that have been finished. Take the code 7607.11 for aluminum discs and circles that have been formed by rolling and are ready for their final application. Aluminum circles that have been fully manufactured and are ready for their final application.7607.19In addition, discs, and circles made of aluminumContains a wide variety of finished aluminum discs, which can be distinguished from one another by the dimensions they have and the surface finishes they have. 


Additional Factors to Take Into AccountIn reference to the HS Code

There is a possibility that the codes will shift slightly depending on the composition of the alloy or on certain physical characteristics, such as etched or painted surfaces.

This is something that can happen. It is best to confirm classification with the relevant trade authorities in order to ensure that the tariffs are accurate.

In order to accurately classify aluminum circles for the purposes of calculating tariff rates and compiling trade statistics, it is necessary to identify the applicable HS code. If you follow these primary classifications, your circle shipments will be compliant throughout the entire process of transporting them and clearing them through customs wherever they go in the world.