In mid-April, Grinding Gear Games launched the Vall-themed Ultimatum League, which has hordes of monsters, and the build of this witch summoner takes advantage of this advantage so that players can POE Currency Buy. Recall that when the league was first available, there were many problems, such as the fact that the game team allowed the streamers to bypass the landing queue, which caused strong dissatisfaction among players. Most players already know how it works.

After the players’ practice and verification, the extension has proven to be an excellent addition to Path of Exile, thanks to its similar gambling mechanism to get loot. Another aspect of Ultimatum is that the Judge Master will spawn many monsters every time he waved his hand, and many of them eventually become rare enemies with stronger affixes, which strengthens them and harder to kill than ordinary enemies or magical enemies. However, there is a way to benefit Path of Exile players and their minions.

Path of Exile introduces a unique pair of gloves in the Blight League, called Breathstealer, which allows players and minions to create a Blighted Spore every time they use a rare monster. When they try to maximize the clear speed of the minions during the last wave of each level, the fact that the minions will trigger the action of the gloves makes them extremely powerful, but what will the withered spores do? Basically, they lay eggs at the place where the rare monster died, and inherited the affixes of all monsters, including the halo, and added a random halo on top of them, affecting all POE Currency.

Generally speaking, players still need to continue to learn more relevant game guides to enhance their understanding of the Ultimatum League to create more opportunities for themselves to collect loot. Players who are competitive and are pursuing greater achievements can also buy more POE Currency to go deeper into the league to challenge. There may be surprises, but the risks along the way will certainly not be less. Be cautious.