Whether it is worth repairing a boiler depends on several factors, including the extent of the problem, the age of the boiler, the cost of repairs, and the overall condition of the unit. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

1. **Extent of the Problem:** If the boiler has a minor issue or a single component that needs replacing, repairing it can be a cost-effective solution. On the other hand, if the boiler has multiple major issues or a significant structural problem, the cost of repairs may outweigh the benefits.

2. **Age of the Boiler:** Older boilers may be more prone to developing multiple problems and may have a shorter remaining boiler repair London lifespan. If your boiler is nearing the end of its expected lifespan, investing in costly repairs might not be the most economical choice.

3. **Cost of Repairs:** The cost of repairing the boiler should be compared to the potential cost of a replacement. If the repairs are relatively inexpensive and will significantly extend the boiler's life, it might be worth repairing. However, if the repairs are substantial and close to the cost of a new boiler, replacement could be a more practical option.

4. **Energy Efficiency:** Newer boilers are generally more energy-efficient than older models. If your current boiler is not energy-efficient and requires significant repairs, replacing it with a newer, more efficient model may lead to long-term savings on energy bills.

5. **Safety Concerns:** If your boiler has safety issues or poses a risk of carbon monoxide leaks, it is crucial to prioritize safety. In such cases, replacement may be the best course of action.

6. **Warranty Coverage:** Check if your boiler is still under warranty. Some repairs may be covered by the manufacturer's warranty, which could reduce the financial burden.

7. **Availability of Spare Parts:** For older or less common boiler models, finding spare parts might be challenging and expensive. If this is the case, replacing the boiler might be a more feasible option.

Ultimately, the decision to repair or replace a boiler should be based on a comprehensive assessment of its condition, efficiency, repair costs, and potential long-term benefits. Consult with a qualified heating engineer or technician to evaluate the specific situation and receive professional advice tailored to your boiler's condition and your heating needs.